Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Jay-Z To Appear In Rocawear's First-Ever Television Ad Campaign

Jay-Z To Appear In Rocawear's First-Ever Television Ad Campaign
Jay-Z will use his star power to help the struggling clothing brand.
Jay-Z has profited significantly over the years from the Rocawear clothing line he co-founded with Dame Dash; but after laying off 28 of its 56 employees at its Manhattan offices, it's apparent that the brand is having a rough go of it.
USMagazine.com reports that Jay-Z will be featured prominently in the brand's first-ever television campaign.
The spot will begin to air on MTV, BET, and TNT, for the latter primarily during NBA games.
The campaign, titled "From Marcy to Madison Square," comes at a time where Rocawear has seen global sales drop $500 million.
The ads will show Jay-Z's ascension from selling CDs out of the trunk of his cars in his beloved Marcy Projects to rocking the stage at Madison Square Garden.
Rocawear reportedly has plans to expand its childrens' clothing line and international markets.

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