Wednesday, February 8, 2012

paparaz now

Denise Welch seen leaving the ITV studios in London, UK. 07/02/2012
At the moment there seems to be quite a few nutters out there who have nothing better to do with their time than send celebrities abusive messages on Twitter.
Denise Welch is the latest in a long line of celebs to have received such messages; she’s had to call the police after getting sent Tweets by someone urging her to kill herself.
Understandably the CBB winner, who’s just split from her husband after allegedly having an affair, became concerned after reading the following outpouring of hate from one Tweeter.
'Hope Tim Healy gets paternity test and Denise Welch slits her wrists the disgusting w**re pig.
'Charity work my a**e. Coke up your nose and d*** up your hole more like. Hope your kids euthanise you in a yr or two.’'
'So glad all the s**t on Denise Welch has hit the papers. What a scummy bully s**g.
'So disgusting the carry on of Denise Welch on Loose Women and her pride in affairs and drunken behaviour. She’s no role model.’
Finally Denise, who’s been having sleepless nights since announcing her break up from Tim, had enough and replied:
‘By the way, my work have reported you to the police and they've traced you. Have a good day.’
Fortunately, aside from this incident, Denise has said that the overall support she’s received from her fans has been overwhelmingly positive. In an interview this week she revealed:
'With all of the amazing response from the public, and especially on Twitter, it’s a shame that just a few horrible and evil faceless tweeters will get extra publicity for writing such vile things. I’m made of stern stuff so I’ll be fine.
'I don’t normally respond but I just felt they needed putting in their place.'
After a meal in to celebrate their pal’s birthday, Lauren Pope and Lauren Goodger weren’t ready to call it a night and instead of heading home the TOWIE twosome made their way to Aura nightclub for some girly fun.
Dressed in a sparkling pair of skin-tight trousers, Lauren Pope – who recently launched her very own clothing range at Littlewoods – and Lauren Goodger – who recently opened her own boutique - danced the night away at the London nightspot and they must have been having a good time as they didn’t emerge until gone 3am.
Meanwhile in some related news Ms Goodger was recently speaking about how little they get paid for staring in The Only Way Is Essex.
She said, “We did it for free at first and then got paid a small wage, so hopefully we can come to some sort of agreement, because it's doing so well.”
Is it? Is it really? We’ve heard nothing but negative reviews of the current series, bt anyway she then added, “I know we make money doing other things but really this is our full-time job - going to film every day for two or three months is stressful and we definitely should have a higher wage. It takes over our lives!”
Aw, diddums.
Despite having to open up about a very serious and sad subject, Cher Lloyd managed to raise a smile for her fans last night as she left the Radio One studios.
The singer had been on air to talk about cyber bullying as part of yesterday’s Safer Internet Day. She previously revealed, in another interview this week, that she’d been called a “dirty pikey” up to 10 times a day on Facebook and Twitter and while on Radio One she went into a bit more detail about the way those cruel taunts affected her. She said:
'I felt like I didn't fit in and I wasn't what everyone wanted. I wasn't the perfect popstar that people wanted me to be and it made me feel really, really lonely.
‘Me as a person, when I was going through that certain time, when I was getting all this online abuse, I became completely cut-off from everything. I didn't want to go out of the house, I didn't want to speak to anyone. I didn't want to do anything just in case something really bad happened to me. And I think that was probably a really hard time for me.
'I always tend to fear for my safety. You never know what's going to happen and it would be nice to get a bit of trust back, to know that people aren't going to try and hurt me.
'The message that I've got to people is: I've always tried to act the hard person and that was just a front for me. And I think it's about time now that I let people realise that I'm a real person and if I can do it, with all these people that want a piece of me, then they can speak out as well.'

Last night when we caught up with Katie Price she was leaving Funky Buddha nightclub in London after a night out with pals. Yes, don’t worry, we do realise there was nothing unusual about that. The really shocking piece of news is what Katie did before she went to Funky Buddha.
Okay, are you ready? You might want to put a cushion behind your head in case you faint when we tell you this, but Katie Price made an appearance on Newsnight.
What the?!
Apparently the former glamour model was called in to speak to Jeremy Paxman (there’s a sentence we never thought we’d write) about the PIP implants scandal seeing as she’s an expert on getting her boobies done.
So what words of wisdom did Jordan share with the panel, which included MP Anne Milton and feminist author Naomi Wolf? Er, she thinks the legal age for women to have implants should be raised and yep, that was about i
If like us you already thought it was a little bit strange that Amanda Holden was planning to go back to work this Saturday, just three weeks after giving birth, than prepare to be stunned by reports that she’s now offering to go back even earlier after Britain’s Got Talent descended into chaos without her.
Now don’t get us wrong, we admire her dedication, but still… don’t most people take a year off when they have a baby? Or at the very least a few months.
So anyway, BGT is reportedly in crisis after the audience booed Amanda’s replacement, Carmen Electra for the second day on the trot.
At one point the crowd’s jeers got so loud that the warm-up guy was forced to make an onstage appeal for calm and even threatened to throw people out if they didn’t behave – Yikes!
Audience members claim Simon Cowell looked ‘mad’ and one said, “He had a face like thunder.
“The flow of the show was ruined. Carmen was booed the second she opened her mouth, and all she did was tell a group they ‘looked cute’.
“Everyone was shouting, ‘Bring back Amanda’. They just thought Carmen was an airhead.”
On hearing the news Amanda reportedly told BGT bosses that she was happy to come back a few days early, but they said no.
Okay, how much is Amanda paying people to act like this? They can’t really want her back that badly, can they? Have we missed something? We don't get it.
Chantelle Houghton and Alex Reid have decided now would be a good time to tell the world the sex of their unborn baby.
Last nigh Chantelle Tweeted:
“Me and Alex @Only1AlexReid are so happy to reveal we are expecting a baby girl. We can't wait and couldn't be happier XXXX”
And now we can all sleep easy tonight.
Jokes aside, the happy couple told OK! magazine that they wouldn’t let the doctor tell them the sex while doing the scan, instead they got him to write it down on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope so they could open it at home.
“I wanted to do it all special,” Chantelle explained before adding, “Harper has got some serious competition coming along! Our daughter is going to beat her in the fashion stakes.”
We bet Harper’s quaking in her little Louboutin

After false reports emerged last week claiming that her reality TV show on Channel Five had been “axed” Amy Childs decided to use her New magazine column today to clear one or two things up.
She said she found it “upsetting” that reports made it sound like the show had been a flop. She added:
“The truth is, it was only ever going to be an eight-part series following my life after Celebrity Big Brother.
“I loved making my show, I’m genuinely happy with the response and my management are in talks about other reality show opportunities”
Once she’d settled that important matter, Amy Childs decided to concentrate on something even more important – shopping. She headed into East London a short time ago to pick up some new garments.

Not perturbed by the abuse she received from the crowds yesterday, Carmen Electra arrived for another round of BGT auditions in London earlier.
Audiences for the show were reported to have hurled insults at the former Baywatch star yesterday, but perhaps today they were a tad more receptive to her as one of two of them even asked to have a photo taken with her.

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