Monday, February 6, 2012

Pay Yo Bills! Judge Orders Bow Wow To Be Arrested On Sight Over Tour Bus Company Lawsuit

Bow Wow Money
Pay yo bills Bow Wow… Pay yo bills! Kinda crazy that the kid with the money sign tattoo who is always flossin’ his stacks may now end up behind bars for his alleged failure to pay a tour bus company what he owes them.
According to TMZ reports:
Bow Wow has avoided a civil lawsuit for long enough — and now a judge in Georgia has ordered he be arrested and held in custody until produces documents and information to the other side.
Bow Wow was ordered by a Tennessee court back in 2009 to pay almost $100,000 to a tour bus company for allegedly not paying his bill. The company then took the case to Georgia to try and get the court where Bow Wow lives to enforce the judgment.
He was ordered to produce documents in his home state regarding the lawsuit, which he never did. As a result, the tour company filed a motion to have the rapper held in contempt.
Finally back in October, the judge granted the motion and ordered Bow Wow be arrested and held until he produces the necessary documents the tour bus company asked for.
Bow Wow has not been taken into custody so far, or responded to the lawsuit.
Calls to Bow Wow’s reps were not returned.

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