Monday, February 6, 2012

Kim Kardashian to move home after a strange man rings her doorbell…

Gabriel Aubry picks up his daughter Nahla from school on in Los Angeles, USA. Gabriel scored a victory in court Wednesday when social workers recommended that no changes be made in the current custody agreement between Aubry and Halle Berry. Essentially the couple have joint custody of Nahla. 03/02/2012
The custody battle between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry has been raging on and on in recent weeks. The pair have been in and out of court following Aubry’s allegedly assault on his daughter’s nanny; it’s claimed he pushed her while she was carrying little Nahla in her arms.
Halle initially wanted a judge to ban the male model from seeing Nahla while he was being investigated for child endangerment after the incident, however it’s now been ruled that her ex husband will not be banned from seeing her during the course of the investigation.
Last week a judge also ordered Aubry to have anger management classes, while both Nahla and Halle are being made to undergo counselling.
We doubt this is the last time the two will face up to each other in court, but in the meantime Aubry is enjoying his time with his daughter – he was seen heading out with her in LA this weeke

We admit it must be pretty disconcerting if you’re a famous person to have a random fan come knocking at your door.
But as far as scary overzealous fan tactics go, doorbell ringing isn’t exactly extreme, so we were surprised to hear that Kim Kardashian has decided to move from her home altogether after one of her admirers did exactly that a few weeks ago.
The reality star – who we spotted jetting home to LA from Florida over the weekend – ended up calling the police when a stranger knocked on her front door and now she’s selling the property and is trying to find another in a gated community with round the clock security.
She’s currently contemplating buying one in the same complex, as it were, as Charlie Sheen. You certainly wouldn’t want to pop over to his for a cup of sugar would you? God know what you’d end up going home with.

Looking much like a snow queen (possibly an evil one) Kate Moss stepped out into the arctic like temperatures this weekend wearing an oversized white faux-fur and black leather jacket.
The model was just off to meet a pal when she donned this ensemble, but probably managed to out glam most people within a half-mile radius. If only we could all look this chic while tottering around in the snow.
We’re not really sure how America will take to Jedward or how they’ll take to America, but the boys are willing to give life in the US a try.
They’re about to go to LA to visit Tara Reid and while there they’re thinking about buying a house; they’ve currently got their eye on a £3million mansion. The twins said:
"We are trying to buy a house in LA. It was £6 million, but now it's down to £3 million and we're waiting to hear whether we can have it."
We knew the boys had earned a fair old wad of cash over the years, but £3million?!
Anyway, if the pair do get their dream pad in Hollywood we imagine a pool party will be in order, however the two aren’t interested in inviting hordes of buxom wenches into their luscious abode. No, no, they’re far too focused on being famous apparently. They said:
"We get girls breaking into our dressing rooms all the time. If we're in a hotel girls book the rooms around us and listen through the walls. Girls come up to us in the street.
"But we haven't got time for anything serious. We are focused on becoming more and more famous."
John added: "If I was on my perfect date with a girl I'd take her to a supermarket to buy all the best food. Or we'd go to a water park."
Anyone fancy a trip to Lidl with John? Form an orderly queue ple
We know this is probably the thousandth time we’ve pointed out the largeness of Jennifer Garner’s baby bump but we feel compelled to do so again because, let’s be honest, that thing is HUGE!
The actress already has two children and is due to pop her latest one out in just a few weeks time, and not a moment too soon by the looks o
Not many of the CBB housemates had a good word to say about the Shannon twins once they’d been evicted from the BB house, and that’s probably why the girls didn’t attend the reunion party at Sugar Hutover the weekend.
Instead the Playboy Twins, who are still in Blighty, made do with having a party of their own; they headed in Landan to treat themselves to a so-called “fish pedicure”. However we were treated to a fishy surprise of our very own when one of the girls (to be honest we can’t really tell which is which) ended up showing off a bit more of herself than she’d int
Given her break-up, her drastic weight loss and her recent hospital dash it seemed grimly inevitable that Demi Moore would end up in rehab.
And sure enough she has; according to reports the actress checked into the £1,000 a night Cirque Lodge in Utah (which has previously treated stars such as Eva Mendes and Lindsay Lohan) just a week after being hospitalised. A source close to her said:
'She's on total lockdown and only talking to a small group of people.
'It became clear to her that her way of coping with her stress was not working and she needed more help.'
Its thought that her ex, Ashton Kutcher, was one of the main people who managed to convince Demi to seek treatment for her pr
Despite recently describing going on Celebrity Big Brother as the “worst experience” of her life, Nicola McLean looked surprisingly happy when she reunited with her housemates from the reality show at Sugar Hut in Essex over the weekend.
Mind you, that probably had something to do with the fact that the twins weren’t at the do – something that we’re sure put a smile on Natalie Cassidy’s face too.
The former EastEnders actress joined Nicola for the get-together as did Gareth Thomas, Kirk Norcross, Frankie Cocozza and Andrew Stone, while Denise Welch chose to give it a miss.
Meanwhile, proving what a classy young fella he really is, Frankie Cocozza has chosen this weekend to announce that he’s slept with around 200 girls in the last year.
The greasy haired fuzz ball reckons he manages to get his end away at least four times a week. He told the highly reputable publication The Daily Star:
'Whenever I've got a gig or a party I'll always s*** someone. It happens at least four times a week,'
'It's so easy to get them to s*** you. After you've been on TV for two minutes everyone wants to get in bed with you – it's ridiculous. But I definitely enjoy it.
As you can imagine, Frankie’s not too fussy about the calibre or women he liaises with.
‘I'm not really fussy at all’ he said. “Especially after I've had a few drinks, I'll s*** anyone. I don't have standards, to be honest.'
No, really? You surprise us Frankie. In that case we’re sure he had plenty to choose from down at Sugar Hut. 

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