Wednesday, February 1, 2012

p usa paparazi of end january

Say what you will about Heidi Range (though, we’re not really sure how anyone can say anything bad about her), but you have to admit - she is looking amazing at the moment.
The Sugababe has shed a lot of weight during her time on, and rehearsing for, Dancing on Ice and earlier she was keen to show it off when she arrived for an appearance on This Morning by wearing a pair of tight leather trousers paired with some towering heels and a silver top.
During her appearance on the TV show she said:
'I've lost a stone since the start... and I'm not going to complain because I've always had to watch what I eat, and go to the gym and eat healthy, so this is great.'
Next she’ll be building up her muscles and posting pictures of them on Twitter a la Davina McCall and Jodie Marsh stylee. It’s seems to be all the rage these days. 
Having cancelled many of her gigs in the US late last year due to ongoing problems with her vocal chords, Adele has revealed she will make her eagerly anticipated comeback at the Grammys.
The award ceremony will take place later this month (Feb 12th) over in the US, other artists singing at the event have already confirmed their performances long ago however Adele has had to wait until now to reveal the news as she didn’t know if she’d have the go ahead from her doctors. On Twitter she excitedly typed:
"Ima be, Ima be singing at the Grammys. It's been so long I started to forget I was a singer! I can't wait, speak soon xx."
Well this piece of news has just made this year’s Grammys infinitely more interesting hasn’t it?
It’s not like Cheryl Cole to personally speak out and deny ridiculous tales circulating about her on the internet.
But when she read MC Harvey’s preposterous allegations about his “secret relationship” with her, we guess she just couldn’t help herself.
Just a few mere minutes ago she took to Twitter to blast the claims (which have already been sternly denied by her spokespeople by the way), saying:
“Was this "relationship" happening in your head @harveyofficial ?! Are you smoking something ?”
“@harveyofficial I think I've met you once maybe twice at public events and With your wife !! #shitjustgetsweirder”
OMG – Cheryl Cole just used the word “shit” and implied Harvey had been smoking mind altering substances; that’s made is like her a whole lot more and him a whole lot less.
We suppose it’s only a matter of time before Harvey says something in return (he is looking for publicity for his new single after all) so let’s all keep our eyes peeled on Twitter shall we?
UPDATE: As we suspected, it really didn’t take long for Harvey to respond to Cheryl’s denials. He’s now taken to Twitter to threaten to reveal intimate emails Cheryl sent him as proof of their frisson.
Though quite how he’s going to prove they were actually sent by her, we just don’t know.
Anyway, he said:
“Do you actually want me to tweet some of the messages you emailed me @cherylcole pipe down and stop playing the saint in front of your fans.”
“I had your back @cherylcole untill you sent that shit dissapointed in you if the public seen these emails you would end up with egg on your face.”
Do it! Do it! Do it! Sorry, something about the school yard nature of this spat has brought out the teenager in us.
Where does Cheryl go from here we wonder? She’s kind of damned if she does and damned if she doesn
Yesterday we told you how Peter Andre would be following in the footsteps of ex-wife Katie Price, who previously headed to Oxford Union for a debate last October, and low an behold here he is, ready for action!
The Mysterious Girl hitmaker arrived at the Union Debating Chamber at Oxford University a short while ago and if he were a little bit nervous about the prospect of addressing some of the brightest brains in Britain than he certainly wasn’t showing it.
Pete will reportedly give a speech at the prestigious union, before answering questions from the audience.
Anyone remember MC Harvey? Anyone? No? Well he used to be in a band called The So Solid Crew way back when, but he’s probably better known for the fact that he once cheated on his girlfriend Alesha Dixon with fellow popstar Javine, who he then had a baby with.
All this happened quite a few years ago (he eventually split up with Javine in 2009) so we won’t be too surprised if this is all a bit hazy for you, and you’re probably wondering why we’re even mentioning him. Well, Harvey has decided to confess – or should we say allege  - that he once had a secret relationship with Cheryl Cole after she split from husband Ashley in 2010.
Harvey, who’s just about to release a comeback single in March funnily enough, was talking about his friendship with Cheryl during an interview with Now magazine. When he was asked whether he’d ever had a relationship with her, he responded:
“Oh my God, oh my God! How the hell do you know that?”
Though he initially (feigned) shock at being asked such a thing, it didn't take long before Harvey began dishing (nearly) all of the gory details about the romance. He said:
“There was a relationship and attraction to each other’s aura. I’m not going to sit here and say we went to this restaurant and that restaurant. But I’m sure people aren’t stupid.
“We’ve known each other for years. But then [after Cheryl split with Ashley] we started confiding in each other. There was an attraction. That comes when you talk to people and Cheryl is a nice girl.
“You know when two people have been through the same stuff and confide in each other? That’s what it was. And naturally when you confide in each other you become more…”
“We had a lot of common ground and she was just a f***ing nice girl. Oh, why did you have to bring her up man? It brings back memories!
“I wouldn’t have minded Cheryl being my wife! I cracked up when people said she was with Derek Hough. I was like ‘you’re so far off!’”
Harvey added that the relationship swiftly came to an end when Chezza went to America for the US X Factor (apparently it was all too much “pressure”), and when she left he promised her he'd never talk about the fling to the press however he reckons that, despite this, she won’t mind that he has done so now.
“I promised her loyalty and I can’t break that” he said.
“In terms of anything we exchanged or any words that were said, I’d never disclose that stuff. When Cheryl reads this, she’ll be like: ‘Aww, he was loyal to me’.
We wouldn’t be so sure of that if we were Harvey; Cheryl’s people have now issued a firm denial of the singer’s claims saying that they’re simply “not true”.
He may be lying, he may be not – but at least he’s just got himself some decent PR ahead of his single release eh?

Jennifer Lopez to present at the Oscars…

It’s been confirmed that Jennifer Lopez will be a presenter at the upcoming Academy Awards, which take place at the Kodak Theatre in Los Angeles on 26th February.
Wait a minute, Jenny From the Block, at the Oscars, really? We’d be shocked if she managed to blag an invite to the prestigious ceremony, which is hosted by Billy Crystal, let alone a spot presenting! After all, she’s hardly famed for her acting skills, is she?
Find out more details in the video above.
It’s been revealed today that Francesca Hull, star of the hit E4 reality TV show Made In Chelsea, has been secretly mourning the loss of her father after he committed suicide back in November.
Banker Robin Hull was reportedly found dead at his home in Hong Kong after taking an overdose of pills
Cheska told The Sun:
“It's obviously a really distressing time for my family. I am devastated to have lost my father but I am trying to get on with my life
Most people would find the idea of working with an ex-husband/wife hell on earth, but weirdly Jennifer Lopez seems to be handling it brilliantly.
She filmed a reality TV show with Marc Anthony before and during her split from the singer but managed to maintain a friendly relationship with him, and she was even spotted holding hands with him while promoting the show a few weeks ago.
When asked about her working relationship with Marc, while on Letterman’s TV show over in the US yesterday, Jennifer (who took her new boyfriend Casper Smart along to the recording of the programme) said:
“Ya no, its fun because we know each other so well, but it has its moments. The same things that…didn’t really work [in the marriage] sometimes come up,”
“You’re talking and you don’t agree on something and you’re like ‘oh, be quiet!’…you’ll see it on the show a little bit!”
Sounds hilarious, but still we won’t be watching the show though.
Wouldn’t it be nice if all celebs could handle their divorces so diplomatically? Actually wouldn’t it be nice if we all could full stop.

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